Security and IoT days: day two

  • New Challenges to overcome for cybersecurity in the IoT age:
    The oneM2M Toolbox - Francois Ennesser (Gemalto, IoT standardization expert)
    • Presentation: IoT security will need to combine existing software based cybersecurity techniques with real world constraints requiring to address system safety by proper physical design. Furthermore, several aspects of IoT systems remain challenging to address with current cybersecurity state-of-the-art. Besides enabling interoperable IoT deployments, the oneM2M standards provide a toolbox to easily address their main security needs, provided that a careful risk assessment is performed by the stakeholders.
    • Biography: Francois Ennesser has over 20 years of experience as an engineer in the embedded systems and security industry and has been working on Machine-to-machine security for nearly 10 years. Representing Gemalto in M2M/IoT standardization, he has been chairing the Security Working Group of the oneM2M global standardization partnership since 2013 and also participates to IoT security activities in several other organizations including GSMA, ETSI, GlobalPlatform, and expert groups advising the European Commission on smart grids security.
  •  The innovation of a territory via the Smart City approach: case of application on Toulouse Métropole - Gautier Aubourg (Toulouse métropole)
    • Presentation: Toulouse Métropole has been engaged in a Smart City initiative since 2015 and the development of a five-year master plan. This Open Metropolis approach is summarized by three fundamental principles: public / private construction, shared public data and the citizen at the heart of the process. To do so, the lines of work are divided by themes and we have tools to implement the approach both in the community, the local fabric and the lives of our fellow citizens. Like experiments, such as Citizen Farm, Qui Dit Miam, Iodines ...
    •  Biography: Gautier Aubourg, Process Manager, Methods & Experiments for Toulouse Métropole. Graduate of a PhD in industrial engineering from the University of Toulouse, this research work concerns the integration of Smart City approaches to improve the efficiency of the public service. He intervenes in the research laboratories of the CGI of the Mines of Albi and the LGP of the ENI of Tarbes.
  •  OneM2M Standard: a friendly approach – Samir Medjiah (LAAS-CNRS)
    • Presentation: IoT application development may be challenging when different device and networking technologies are considered at the same time. Thanks to standardized IoT platforms (oneM2M), applications developers can easily interconnect IoT devices to their business logic without bothering about the underlying technologies and protocols. However, without the appropriate APIs and their appropriate documentation, this adoption of such enabler is still an important step to overcome. In this presentation, a rapid IoT application development framework is presented. Based on the famous node-RED framework, and through a graphical application specification, developers and DIYers can rapidly prototype an IoT oneM2M application without writing a single line of code. Thanks to its features, this framework suits both experts and non-experts. 
    • Bibliography: Samir Medjiah (PhD) is Associate Professor at Univ. Paul Sabatier – Toulouse 3, and researcher at LAAS-CNRS. He is working on the joint application-network optimization for the IoT. His research activities include the design and development of IoT platforms and applications enablers. As a professor, he produced teaching materials about IoT for both university students and continuous learning for engineers and technicians. He is a technical co-manager of Eclipse OM2M, a horizontal IoT services platform. As a recognized IoT expert, he has been involved in various International and national projects related to IoT (standardization, research, and teaching).